Our full-service studio is staffed with top-notch artists who work with state-of-the-art technology to bring your world to life. Our custom photo sessions are developed with you from the start. Before we put pencil to paper or pixel to page, we make sure we’re in lockstep with your vision. From casting and wardrobe to poses and props, we create a road map of where your world will take us.
If you are looking for stock photography, check out G•S StockArt & Photography. We have thousands of images ready for creators in the fantasy genre!
“Working with Gene and his team made an incredible difference in my book launch, from beginning concepts to finished art. In particular, he absolutely blew me away with his photography work on the custom photoshoot. He understood exactly what I needed, helped me find the perfect model, and worked with her expertly to produce literally dozens of potential shots that were perfect for my covers. He brought my vision to life with his lens and his artwork!”
Jenn Stark – Award-winning urban fantasy author